World Markets for Woven Textiles and Apparel - Forecasts to 2010
Released on = April 20, 2007, 12:26 am
Press Release Author = Namrata
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Woven fabrics are used worldwide in a wide variety of applications - including apparel, household textiles and furnishings, medical items, industrial uses, and technical products.
Press Release Body = World Markets for Woven Textiles and Apparel: Forecasts to 2010
Weaving:A Growth Sector Woven fabrics are used worldwide in a wide variety of applications - including apparel, household textiles and furnishings, medical items, industrial uses, and technical products. Fabric weaving consumes about 28 mn tons of fibres per annum - equivalent to over half of the global textile market. Moreover, global production of woven products will grow by 25% between 2002 and 2010, reaching more than 35 mn tons. Most of this growth will take place in Asia. Relocation to low cost countries will intensify imports of textiles and apparel will grow in the developed economies of Western Europe, the USA, and Japan - and, increasingly, in the newly industrialised economies of Taiwan and South Korea. Furthermore, import growth will intensify after the end of 2004 when quotas restricting international textile and clothing trade are eliminated under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). Manufacturers in developed countries are likely to respond by relocating operations to production centres in low wage countries. Those who choose nearby locations will also benefit from market proximity and speed of response.
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